When i was a kid, i never thought of ever owning a car.
Because where i was from, everybody rode taxis and jeepneys.
The streets was always packed, and traffic was so bad and unorganized
that a 4 lane highway here in the U.S. is a 10 lane catasrophe there.
Then we moved to Cali when i was 10.
When i was 18 (year 2010) i finally got my own car. 1997 Acura cl 3.0 auto.
the first thing i did to it was installed a muffler tip because i was so excited
to make it a racecar. I lowered it with some accord springs, Bought carb
legal Intake and painted my stock wheels, made it lightweight
by removing all unecessary things and bought spacers for the flush look.
it was fun, and decently fast.
A year later (2011) i bought my Pride and Joy, sw20 1992 Toyota Mr2 NA
standard. Why? because of Initial D. lol.
And the fact that i love cornering FAST.
i love smoking evos, sti's and specially really big V8s on corners
and freeway ramps. it makes them furious and me happy.
But in Fact the Mr2 was a mid-engine car it was hard to work on
and had problems that regular FR&FF cars didnt.
And so one day i realized my mr2 had a knock,
and it was a very deppressing time.
I replaced the engine within 4 months time, and when it was replaced
the day after, it overheated bad. It blew the head gasket so i said im done.
so after all the money i spent on the replaced engine,
i decided to part it out. so then i bought a Bike!

but now it looks like this
When my brother bought a car, i saw an unused corolla wagon
on the seller's driveway. Not knowing its rarerity, i ask the owner
if they are interested in selling it. I really wasnt planning on buying it
because i had a motorcycle. Its cheap on gas its FAST and practical.
So long stoy short, I decided to buy the 96' rolla. =] (2013)

It was owned by a nice couple, 186xxx miles. Standard. basically,
it was well taken cared for and had freeway miles.
I never really planned it to make it look like the way it looks now.
But hey.
So first i bought coilovers, just because its better for handling rather
than just springs, and i dont want to cut springs to go lower.
and i had bmw bbs wheels from my e30 so that was nice.
Then i bought an acura lip wood vinyl, and so it sat like this.

And With some talent i started drawing. lol

But im Lazy so it took a while to finish

And so after saving up i bought some wheels

with the camber adjusted.. i had so much negative camber that my toe
was in and couldnt drive home, so i put the camber to stock until
i was at the alignment place.

Oh also some JDM headlights 9006-h4 conversion
At work finally finished my artwork, i used oil based toyo
markers so it wont come off.
And My first Photoshoot with my bro and my friend daniel L.
with The Famous Bojangles
End of part 1