I have some aftermarket ones now, once I get back from my holiday I'll give it a shot to get them fitted right. I was just wondering whether it was really so hard to get a hold on these.
I'm now trying to find them in the Netherlands, some dealer offered them for 200 euros, however I'm not sure they're the right ones as he refuses to provide me with pictures.
For now I'm just trying to get straight which addition I want to add first:
- Folding mirrors (I now just have the power mirrors)
- New headlights (http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000489/images/pro-zo-tco93-led-c__3.jpg)
- These OEM fog lights (which are seemingly hard to find and if they are to be found, bound to be expensive)
- A 2-DIN Alpine installation, with a new sub/new composet/new ovals (all Alpine Type-R)
- Bring my car to the garage to have it get rid of scratches and some rust, also at the same time repair the Savage bumper I have and have it painted in the right color
All these difficult choices!

I want it all!... And I want it now! As Freddy once said