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Join date : 2014-05-04
Age : 23
Location : Kittilä, Finland
Subject: Kucha's 1993 Corolla 1.6 XLi Tue May 20, 2014 7:18 am |
Time for the showcase! First, let me tell the background story of the car.
My dad bought this Corolla in 2005. He needed a bit "rugged" car for his work as he is a golf course maintenance chief, in other words a greenkeeper. So the Corolla was perfect for the job. It was not afraid of the dirt and mud it might encounter, and very reliable and cheap to run.
Little over a year ago, my 18th birthday came and I got my driver's license. Dad usually uses the car during summer and it was free for me to drive (and learn.) And that was when I got friends with the Corolla. A good friend of mine thought that as her car (a '92 Golf, my car's great crush) had a name, mine should also have, and so she gave my Corolla the name "Taneli". Taneli is a Finnish man's name and is basically the same as Daniel. So far, I've done about 20 000 km with it. Him. It.
Anyroads, Taneli has the 4A-FE 1.6 litre engine, which produces a whopping 115 hp. Though I'm not sure how many of them are still there. It's trim level is the XLi, which includes very little, like the clock. (Really! The Xi-level did not have it.) Even the powersteering was an optional extra for the XLi in 1993 in Finland, but the first owner was wise and decided to order his or her car with it.
The time the car has spent in our family, it has worked quite perfectly. Only things we've had to replace are the brakes, and the suspension. And the driver's side headlamp due to a rock it had a contact with. Otherwise, just add OIL and petrol, and it'll run fine. Lately, the alternator belt or some other belt has started to give some signals that it needs replacing.
I've not done very many upgrades to the car as it still is my dad's car for work - but it has not stopped me completely. I've added a new USB-playing radio (Denver) and a Macrom 2-way with 6,5'' mids. I've also replaced the indoor lights with LEDs, and also the registration plate lights. And polished the car. Let the pictures speak for now.
